USA Therapy Dogs, Inc.
PO Box 100
Davison, MI 48423
Thank you for agreeing to our guidelines. We are pleased that you are interested in joining our USA Therapy Dogs family!
Please note: Bookmark this page (CTRL+D). If your internet connection fails and you lose this page, you can use the bookmark to return. Otherwise, simply return to the FORMS page and agree once again to the guidelines. Then that will bring you back here.
Download, print and sign these forms. You will be notified when the Application was received and someone will contact you to set up the pre-screening. Pre-screenings will occur 2 to 3 weeks before class starts.
If you can not print these forms yourself, they can be mailed to you by clicking here.
Send all forms and copies to: USA TD, P.O. Box 100, Davison, MI 48423 Attention: Class Acceptance into the class will not be permitted without all the necessary forms and payment
Please make checks payable to USA Therapy Dogs, Inc. Payment in full is required before prescreening
Cost: $250.00 – one dog/one handler
$350.00 – one dog/two handlers
Junior Handlers are welcome: Minimum Age is 14, must be accompanied by parent or guardian at every class and while visiting after certification until age 18.