Getting Started Forms

USA Therapy Dogs, Inc. has high standards that are adhered too, the expectation for all prospective members are outlined in the guidelines. Prior to filling out a Membership Application form, potential handlers must agree to the following guidelines before taking the first steps to become USA Therapy Dog Handler team.


  • Any dogs with history of aggression issues in the past will not be accepted into the program.
  • Dogs that have been on a “raw diet” will not be allowed into the program.
  • Dogs that have had previous training in or participate in bite work and/or protection training (i.e. Schutzhund) are excluded from USA TD.
  • In compliance with the State of Michigan Laws, dogs must be Canis Lupus Familiaris; no Wolf-Hybrids will be accepted.
  • All “rescue” dogs must be owned by current owner for a minimum of one year before entering USA TD program.


  • Understand that all members are volunteers, no one can accept money for gas or other essentials, and no one gets paid for any position within the organization. Donations are accepted and should be directed to USA Therapy Dog’s treasurer.
  • Commitment to a minimum of 15 visiting hours per calendar year.
  • Commitment to volunteering for 2 events and/or fundraisers a year.
  • Commitment to retesting therapy dogs for C.G.C.A. (Advanced Canine Good Citizens) every two years – free of charge with USA TD A.K.C-C.G.C.A. evaluators.
  • Membership renewals are $35 per year (fee may change with notice), which includes cost of limited liability insurance and maintenance of website and partial administrative costs.
  • Complete understanding that all vaccination records including records for Bordetella and Leptospirosis vaccinations, dog licenses, and membership renewal fees are to be updated and submitted on time every year. Handlers will not be insured or allowed to visit with their therapy dog if the documents stated in this guideline are not submitted on time.
  • Handlers must be suitable for therapy dog work; non-judgmental, compassionate, caring and friendly.
  • Adherence to USA TD policies, procedures and methods of operation and training.
  • Respect the privacy of USA TD members and people visited.
  • Have a positive attitude about USA TD.
  • HAVE FUN!!!



  • By checking the box below, you agree with the above guidelines. This is your digital signature.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

My goal in life is to be as good of a person my dog already thinks I am. ~Author Unknown